It is applied directly at the site of the tumor. Short electric pulses make the cell membranes transiently permeable.
As a result, the intracellular accumulation of the chemotherapeutic drug can be increased substantially.
ECT is used for local treatment and control of tumors. Effects on bleeding and secretion are often seen in a few days.
Bleomycin and Cisplatin are the two drugs currently used for ECT. Bleomycin can be administered intra-tumorally or intravenously, depending on the number and size of the tumors. Cisplatin can be administered only intra-tumorally.
Comfortable touch screen operations and very simple menu logic.
Patient data and therapy parameters stored.
Quick visual feedback on ‘therapy progress’.
Portable medical device.
SENNEX® ElectroChemoTherapy (ECT) is a local palliative treatment. It is recommended for treatment of cutaneous and subcutaneous metastases independent of the primary tumor type. 1 It can also be used as a palliative treatment for head and neck cancers recurring after multi-modality treatment. 2,3 Small cutaneous metastases cam ofter be treated in one session. In larger tumors, multiple sessions are often required.
Science Park 2, Saarland University, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
+49 (0)681 6851903
© Bionmed Technologies GmbH 2025